Learning Lab and Design Studio - Annual Group for Developing Your Group and Team Programs (Coaching, Webinars, Signature Programs and More!)
Ongoing coaching and training on group and team and program design-Plus on-demand access to our library of audios, videos, templates
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Join us in 2022 for a year of learning, ACTION and community around all types of group and team programs.
Looking for a group environment to grow your work and business in the area of group and team programs? Are you a coach, trainer, facilitator or other professional wanting ongoing support and accountability in accelerating and sharpening your group and team programs? Whether you are designing and running workshops, retreats, on-demand programs, webinars or group and team coaching, we can always benefit from support, new ideas and accountability partners.
The Learning Lab and Design Studio group provides you a wide variety of resources to support you in your group and team program development all in one place. We explore the gamut of group and team issues - from design, to marketing, exercises, resources, engagement, technical tips and implementation!
Join us here at the Learning Lab and Design Studio bi-weekly on Fridays from 8 - 845 am ET during 2022 for an annual learning experience in our small group setting. Your participation will include:
* Access to a monthly lecture and coaching call on topics related to coaching - business development, team and group coaching - usually held on Fridays between 8-845 am Eastern, the 1st and 3rd week of the month. These calls cover a range of topics related to group and team coaching, workshops, retreats and webinars. Bring your questions and/or come for some coaching. Some calls will incorporate a group and team tools call where we get to engage and experience different tips, tools and products we can use with teams and groups each month.Calls are recorded and posted if you can't make them
* Four Get It Done/Retreat Afternoons (4 hours) scheduled once a quarter to provide space and a structure to focus on your group program design and/or business development ($1500 value). Check the schedule for upcoming dates.
* Templates and Articles to support you in your work with groups and teams. Templates range from program support, to sample worksheets, class lists, pricing considerations, marketing tools (invaluable). A new template and article is added each month 24 now available.
* Complimentary Access to the 28 Tips E-Book (the foundation of the Tips Program here at the Learning Lab) ($39 value) plus Dozens of other templates!
* A robust library with dozens of audio and video presentations on topics related to group and team programs. Most of these are only available at the LLDS.
* Four digital chapters which accompany Jennifer's books which can be downloaded right away. That's more than 120 pages of content!
* The opportunity to beta test some of our newer products before they roll out to market. This might be a new on-demand course, worksheets, templates or other resources geared to support program design and/or business development.Other resources will be added throughout the year.
Membership also includes a private online group where you can pose questions, share best practices and also interact with others in the lab and design studio.
Pricing for our 2022 programming is $1997 US for the year, or $167 each month. You can also add on a series of individual coaching calls as well (a five hour block at a discounted rate)
Download a one page brochure with more information here
Download the 2021 LLDS Schedule which outlines our topics and focus areas for 2021.
We're celebrating our 6th year in 2021 and there's lots to dip into!
Questions? Email Jennifer at [email protected] or reach out to her at (416)996-8326
Past topics we've covered:
Accelerating your group and team programs - coaching, retreats, on-demand programming
Video-based Programming- foundations, creating and shooting your own programs
Building Your Toolkit
More on Micro-learning
Building Trust Virtually
Marketing your programming
Monthly articles and templates accompany each theme as well as more of a focus on business development. Group members will have time during each call to bring their questions to explore.
Please take some time to explore the different resources that are open to everyone in our Course Curriculum below.
Download the 2021 schedule here.
Your Instructor

Well known for her practical and applicable approaches with learning, Jennifer Britton is based in the Toronto, Canada are . She is the author of five books including PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner (2019) and the Coaching Business Builder (2018). Both books are geared to helping service based and virtual professionals grow their work and impact!
She is also the author of the world's first book on Group Coaching, published almost 10 years ago - Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013). For the last two and a half decades Jennifer has taught, coached, and trained professionals all over the globe. Involved in formal and informal education since the late 1980s, Jennifer has taught tens of thousands of hours at post-secondary institutions, through online programs, workshops, retreats and in classroom based training. She's led Train-the-trainer workshops, virtual facilitation training, and coach-the-coach sessions for more than 15 years.
In 2004 Jennifer founded Potentials Realized, a Canadian-based performance improvement company dedicated to supporting leaders, teams and organizations with leadership, teamwork, and performance issues.
Leadership and teamwork, especially in the remote space, are two topics Jennifer is passionate about. During the first thirteen years of her career Jennifer worked with the United Nations, and other international organizations as a Program Director and Program Manager. By the age of 26 she was leading and directing programs involving hundreds of staff and volunteers, and dozens of communities, demonstrating the real power of collaboration and teamwork. This focus on exceptional team leadership, collaboration and capacity building continues today in her training, educational programs, coaching and consulting work.
Her work today is varied including coaching teams, as well as working with new and experienced leaders including virtual team leaders. Jenn also works with solopreneurs, particularly those in the coaching and training industries, who want to create exceptional programs for their own clients. Building onto several years of teaching business studies as the post-secondary level, her work with business owners is grounded in support of creating a powerful vision, honing their leadership foundations, and creating a business that works for their needs and lifestyle.
An avid writer, Jenn leads the Teams365 blog for team leaders, and the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog for coaches.
This portal, the Learning Lab and Design Studio, houses the many video based programs Jennifer has developed since 2018, as well as the long-term live community groups she hosts on Fridays. An avid practitioner herself, Jenn continues to deliver in person and virtual programs for leaders and their teams, as well as for service based professionals (coaches, consultants and trainers). Jennifer also offers International Coach Federation approved Continuing Coach Education programs through Potentials Realized - The Group Coaching Essentials(TM) Teleseminar (8.75 CCEs), and the Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs), Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs) and the PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training Program (24 CCEs).
Jenn holds a Masters in Environmental Studies, a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is also a Professional Certified Coach, and a Certified Performance Technologist. You can visit her online at Potentials Realized or at the links below.
Course Curriculum
Start2021 Learning Lab and Design Studio Schedule (As of December 2020)
Preview2020 Learning Lab and Design Studio Call Schedule (as of 11.17.19)
StartA Personal Welcome to the Learning Lab and Design Studio (2:31)
Preview2019 Learning Lab and Design Studio Schedule and Topics (January to June 2019) - as of November 12 2018
PreviewInfo Pack - Learning Lab and Design Studio
StartWelcome to the 2018 Learning Lab and Design Studio Programming
Start2018 LLDS Brochure
Preview2018 Winter and Spring LLDS Calls
PreviewAn Overvew of the Learning Lab and Design Studio (3:57)
Start2019 LLDS Calls May to December 2019
StartSummer and Fall 2018 LLDS Calls
StartJanuary 2020 Call #1 - Goal Setting and Design Thinking (50:01)
StartJanuary 2020 Call - Going deeper around yoru learners/end users (47:41)
StartLLDS February 2020 Social Learning (52:20)
StartFebruary 2020 - Social Learning in Focus - Call #1 (52:20)
Start2nd April 2020 Call - Video Creation (46:51)
Start1st April 2020 CAll LLDS - Virtual Storytelling (51:50)
StartMarch 2020 - March 6, 2020 (19:08)
StartMay 2020 - Call 2 - Worksheets - May 15 2020 (46:48)
StartJuly 2020 Call - Styles (50:43)
StartSeptember 2020 Call 2 - TEams (48:26)
StartOctober 2020 - Call 2 - Virtual and Remote Teams and Pivots (47:58)
StartJanuary 2020 - Design Thinking
StartFebruary 2020 - Social Learning
StartJune 2020 - Micro-pauses and mid-year review questions article
Start2020 Mid-year review template
StartJuly 2020 - Branding
StartOctober 2020 - Remote and Virtual Teams Principles Article
StartOctober 2020 - Remote And Virtual/Pivot Compass - Template
Frequently Asked Questions
The Learning Lab and Design Studio (LLDS) is hosted by Jennifer Britton, Author of Effective Group Coaching and From One To Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching. Join us for six or twelve months! This program includes live individual and group coaching calls on a monthly basis with others in the Studio Lab. Join us monthly at the lab or for a six or 12 month commitment. The LLDS is a place to LEARN, Connect with others, take ACTION on your own program ideas and have accountability to make it happen.
Each month you access 2 group calls a month focusing on team and group themes, along with a 3rd monthly call focusing on engaging with some of the Facilitation tools you might want to bring into your work.
You also get a monthly 20 min 1-1 with Jennifer, and access to wide range of templates, articles, and more than 20 hours of audios in the lab.
Each bi-weekly call will have a focus on a topic related to a core theme related to group and/or team programs (workshops, retreats, coaching). The calls are designed to provide you with content and tips for your own programming, as well as answer specific questions you bring. Some examples include Advanced Design Techniques, Engagement, Virtual programs. Each call you are encouraged to bring your real time questions. Check out the Bi-Weekly Call Schedule in the First Section of the Curicullum. LLDS members help to shape these calls.
If you can't make the group call time (usually Fridays 845 - 830 am Eastern/New York you can still listen into recorded calls. I You will find most past calls avaialble in the curriculum area (You'll find it in the First Section - Welcome to the Learning Lab and Design Studio).
Is 2020 the year you want to focus on enhancing and growing your work with groups and teams? If so, I hope that you will check out the Learning Lab and Design Studio.
Email me, Jennifer, at info{AT}potentialsrealized.com to set up a time to talk about how the Learning Lab and Design Studio can enhance your work and support to clients/learners.
Here's what others have said about our programs:
"You really over-delivered! What great value"
"Your approach is so practical! I always leave calls with new ideas and resources"
" You are a group and team coaching powerhouse!"
"This is the real-deal with group coaching"
The Learning Lab and Design Studio is proving to be a rich place of learning, connection and dialogue since we launched in 2016. Now entering the 5th year, it's become a touchpoint for many coaches to keep a focus on the projects that are important for them. Topics we explore include exercises and activities for group and team programs, engagement, design, marketing and coaching skills. I hope that you will join us! Enroll today for a month, six or twelve months at the LLDS using the enroll button below.
I look forward to hearing from you,